
发布时间:2023-07-04 12:04:21 阅读:116 点赞:0

关于”青少年使用手机危害“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Harm of agers using mobile phones。以下是关于青少年使用手机危害xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harm of agers using mobile phones

With the dlopment of high technolo, nowadays, people can get access to a vaety of new pducts. These high-tech pducts have bught convenience to people's lives. Mobile phone is one of the biggest inventions.

People can keep in touch anytime and anywhere. It is natal that ry has a mobile phone. Howr, for some students, they are not allowed to use mobile phones becse they belong to universities Students need to concentrate on their studies.

Mobile phones can distract them. I think all students can have mobile phones. It is just a communication tool.

There is no need to ban students fm using mobile phones at the beginning. Students may be addicted to playing with mobile phones becse they are cuous about new things. But if they keep it for a long time, they will get used to it and will do it in the ght way Use it.




The harm of online s to us is not absolute, it depends on how you use it. Remember that sentence: resist a bad , refuse pirated , pay attention to self-ptection, prnt being fooled, moderate is beneficial to the brain, indulge in dnks, reasonably arrange time to enjoy healthy life, etc., you can play in spare time, when relaxing, the is oginally hair For example, the I play is not some homicide cases, such as cssing the line of fire, DNF, I am old, I play the of light ng star, Pcell and so on. There is a time limit to prnt addiction, but there is a lovely spit, such as cracking the vast majoty of people They play comr s on the Internet, and some n tn on the comr is just a .

Sometimes the I study is also very interesting. Online s don't ht reasonable applications, but they are useful. Do you want to .




IPad is a popular pduct. Many people are crazy about it, including young people. It seems cool to have iPad.

Howr, it is really good for young people. IPad has vaous functions. It is easier to carry and learn than comr.

Interestingly, it can baden students' knowledge, but its disadvantages are obvious. People can play s thugh iPad And search the Internet, so some students may be addicted to s, which will do harm to their learning. IPad is not cheap, it will make students compared with others, students may be pud of owning iPad iPad.

In short, iPad is a high-tech pduct, no matter who should use it pperly.



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