保护动物的英语作文_Watch for Animals 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-03 05:17:09 阅读:131 点赞:0

关于”保护动物“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Watch for Animals。以下是关于保护动物小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Watch for Animals

More and animals are being ted and killed by human beings just for their skin, meat and rare ors. People pick up animals and put them into zoos. This is called "ptection".

Howr, we all know that the best ptection is first of all unlimited. People use cages and boxes of different kinds to put them in zoos where animals have to live. Howr, the second kind of ptection is the ptection The way of animals is to use o animal ptection law to ptect people's animals, and the second way is to use o animal ptection law to ptect animals.

Are these ideas really effective? The answer is obviously dependent. It depends on the extent to which people maintain order in the zoo, on people's awareness of the law and how well they really abide by the law. It also depends on how we these wild animals regain their skills in the wild.

On the other hand, when we are devoted to the ptection of animals, on the other hand, we are very happy to see that some of o fends who are devoted to the ptection of animals can get so much happiness It must be a world where animals and human beings live together happily.





Eat less animals, love animals, fight with the people who kill them, and publicize the activities of cang for all animals. You can encoage people to love all animals in the form of blackboard or handwting. If you see that all animals are ptected by the state, you can also report to illegal ters by legal means.

You can tell people fm the perspective of health that too much animal fat can easily lead to obesity and high blood Stress and other diseases.




(taking care of the animals) it's a fine day. It's neither too hot nor too cold. I went to Beijing Zoo in the morning.

The animals are very interesting and ryone likes them. They're really cute. One of them was standing with his mouth open and the other sitting on it.

We were boxing and we were lghing. But when I saw a guest thwing food at them, I ran to stop him becse some of the animals were injed by food given by visitors. These animals are o fends.

If we really love them, we should take good care of them.




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