
发布时间:2024-01-26 02:21:49 阅读:175 点赞:0

关于”回复老师“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Reply to the teacher。以下是关于回复老师小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reply to the teacher

My Chinese teacher is Miss Li. She was very good when I met her on the first day. I like her very much.

She is very good at teaching us. She will tell us stoes to attract o attention in her class. All the students listen to her carefully, becse we don't want to miss ry word.

Miss Li is also very patient. She will answer all the questions. Miss Li is a good teacher.




My beloved teacher, fm Canada, is o oral English teacher. She is loved and respected by many students. What affects me most is her enthusia, genesity and easygoing.

She is always optimistic and tes to understand ry student. In addition, she often tells us some interesting stoes and jokes in class. In order to a happy atmosphere for us to learn English, she loves teaching and is eager to devote herself to education becse of her outstanding achiments.

She has won many awards, one of which is the model teacher award.




Teacher, I want to say to you, it is my parents who gave me life, it is my teacher who tght me fm pmary school to high school. All my teachers, who have tght me, often appear in my mind only you. My teachers have cultivated me into a generation of young people with culte, thought, morality and morality.

Fm an iorant child, my teacher, I want to tell you You are like a green leaf, bnging us a garden full of the bety of spng. You are like a red candle, which iites the hearts of ry student. You are like a silkworm, weaving a better fute for us.

I will not let you down. I will continue to stve for pgress, fight against difficulties, and repay you with my practical actions and excellent achiments.



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