
发布时间:2023-10-26 01:27:51 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”我喜欢学校生活“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:I like school life。以下是关于我喜欢学校生活小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I like school life

My school is very betiful. I like my school very much. My school has a big playgund.

We often exercise on it. My classom is big and clean. There are a lot of books in the library.

I often read books. There are some music oms and art oms in the teaching building. Great.

The teachers are very good. The students are very nice. They are polite and art.

I am very happy at school.




First of all, I like my school. The teachers and students in o school are fendly and ful. They respect each other and often each other when I encounter difficulties.

I can always ask my teachers and clasates for . Second, the envinment of o school is very good. The school is not very big, but it is always clean and tidy.

There are many trees, grass and flowers here. I like the playgund very much, Modern libraes and laboratoes. Third, we have a lot of extraccular activities, such as all kinds of parties, sports meetings, art and music clubs, etc.

weang school uniform to school ry day is the only way I don't like.




My school life when I was old, I started my pmary school life fm school, I learned a lot fm teachers, I learned knowledge fm my textbooks, I learned to be a good student at school, I made great pgress in my school life at home, my school life is betiful and happy, pmary school life is coming to an end, but I will always remember Live in.



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