
发布时间:2023-12-20 02:41:28 阅读:82 点赞:0

关于”社会发展“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:China's social dlopment。以下是关于社会发展初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:China's social dlopment

With the dlopment of China, great changes have taken place in o life. Good or bad is a big pblem. I think it is good, becse the world needs to change.

This change makes o life better. You think that with comrs, we can learn something by car, we can easily go to some places by telephone, we can communicate with a person far away fm us Speaking, we live in dlopment, so we have no reason to say that dlopment is not good for us. Some people will say that dlopment leads to pollution, but if we try o best to deal with it, we will have no pblem, ght.




There are fo key points in learning English: listening, speaking, reading and wting. First of all, we should be brave enough to talk with others in English. Secondly, we can impve o listening and speaking ability.

Secondly, we should listen to vaous English pgrams as much as possible. We can gradually impve o pnunciation. Third, we should often read English books.

When we encounter a new word, we should first guess its meaning thugh the competition, and then look it up in the dictionary. Foth, we should practice o wting skills. When we have any ideas, we should wte them down one by one.

It is very important to avoid wting in Chinese. As long as we listen , speak , read and wte , we will certainly make remarkable pgress.




Nowadays, people can communicate with people thugh mobile phones and the Internet. Many years ago, with the dlopment of society and the rapid gwth of social value, mail and public phones dominated. This first bught many huge advantages.

It made people nd the world convenient. It made things personal and pvate. We could talk to others secretly, It greatly increases the amount of information we send to others.

We can put a lot of things on the keyboard, or talk to others for a long time thugh mobile phones. This seems impossible for email and public phones, becse there are always many people waiting to use the phone, so people often have time limit It means that we don't have the ght to use mobile phones and send and receive e-mails for a peod of time. As we all know, wting is often harder than saying it out loud.

Therefore, compared with mobile phones and the Internet, there is a poor amount of information.



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