
发布时间:2023-03-29 06:23:09 阅读:68 点赞:0



Becse last year's words belong to last year's language, next year's words are waiting for another voice. The end is the beginning. Eliot thinks that the new year is the best time to celebrate the festival.

Walter Scott youth is when you are allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you are forced to stay up late to watch the new year. The pessimist stays up late to make se that the old year leaves.

Bill Vghn has nr been iored. January 1 is the day fm which rything begins and expects to remain Here's the birth of o common Adam Charles Lamb, which is the ght act of the whole festival. This drunken season climaxes on New Year's Eve.

When you're drunk, you kiss you and marry PJ O'Roke people, people are very wored about what they eat beeen Chstmas and new year, but they should really worry about what they eat beeen new year and Chstmas. The wter is not known. Put last year into the silence of the past and let it pass, becse it is not perfect.

Thank God, it can go to Boks Atkinson. We meet today, thank you for yo time Yes, John Greenleaf Whittier.


因为去年话属于去年语言,明年话等待着另一个声音,结束就是开始。艾略特每个年龄都认为新xx年是节欢呼最佳时机沃尔特·斯科特青年是允许你在除夕夜熬夜时候中年是你被迫比尔·沃恩乐观主义者熬夜看新年,悲观者熬夜确保旧xx年离开比尔·沃恩从来没有人漠视过xx月1这一天,一切都是从这一天开始,并指望剩下是我们共同亚当·查尔斯·兰姆诞生,这是整个节正确行为这个醉酒季节是在新年前夜达到,当你喝得醉醺醺时候,你会亲吻你娶了pj o'ke人,人们非常担心他们在圣诞节和新年之间吃什么,但是他们真应该担心他们在新年和圣诞节之间吃了什么作家不为人知把去年抛进了过去沉寂,让它过去吧,因为它是不完美,感谢上帝,它可以去布鲁克斯阿特金森我们今天见面,感谢你时代所做,约翰格林利夫惠蒂尔。


When a baby opened her eyes and the first ray of sun shone on her face, her life be with a cry. It was easy to hold her parents' hands. She spent her happy childhood.

With some , the ad was wide and flat, but she climbed a little. When she looked up, she couldn't see clearly on the top of the mountain. The dim and hazy things blocked her way, but she didn't stop As she walked on, there were quite a few stones hitting her face, leaving scars and eruptions.

She didn't stop, she didn't give up. Her tight, warm and powerful hand was released step by step. She looked into the distance alone, and the ad became steep and dangeus.

The sky was not as fuzzy as before, so she went up in a hry and fell. She lay on the gund, depressed and frustrated, until she realized the intoxicating ell of flowers, the jingle and the intoxicating image on it. Despite the pain she felt when she fell down, she stood up with confidence and continued her joney.

She knew there would be many obstacles ahead, but she didn't stop, she knew she would nr stop.





(mountain climbing) I usually climb mountains with my fends on rest days. We usually start in the morning. Becse the air is fresh and cool in the morning, we enjoy the betiful scenery aund us.

It is a panorama after we get to the top of the mountain. In particular, we can have a bird's-eye view of o city. The rapid dlopment of the city makes us pud, becse it can educate o health.



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