
发布时间:2024-04-09 03:51:06 阅读:12 点赞:0

关于”排队队“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Queue up and jump in line。以下是关于排队队初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Queue up and jump in line

: queue jumping.




March is a day I will nr forget. I was on my way home fm school at about five o'clock in the afternoon. I hope I can go home and watch my favote TV pgram in May.

When I got to the station, I noticed that people were waiting in line, which spsed me, becse normally, before I could get to my car, people cwded into the car and the bus came in a second, although at the moment I cut in line, I heard someone yelling, "please line up." I tned nd and saw an old gentleman with a ile gestung to me to line up Later, he explained that it was "queuing day". He intended to raise people's civic awareness when he heard that I was ashamed of my behavior. I would nr jump in the queue any .

I hope ry day is a "queuing day", which will make o city a better place to live.




A possible version of lin ning RI Harmony: Dear editor, Beijing has set up a linning day to people enjoy a relaxed and harmonious life, which sets a good example for other cities today. Some people are not willing to queue up when shopping or waiting for a bus, so I think it is necessary to set up a "dying day" to raise it Wake them up and people will form a good habit of queuing voluntaly. I hope we can stick to this practice and pmote it until ry day becomes a "deathbed day.".

I beli that this will have a great impact and o society will become and happy.



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