
发布时间:2023-10-14 06:58:04 阅读:37 点赞:0

关于”著名music“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Famous music。以下是关于著名music高二英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Famous music

Music plays an important le in o life. There are different types of music in the world. Usually we prefer to express it thugh music.

So when we are tired or nervous after work, we can share o feelings with others. Listening to music can make us feel relaxed and energetic. Listening to music can make us forget all the pblems and us face the difficulties in life.

In addition, we can learn about the cultes of different countes, and then understand the world. Better music can make o life colorful.




Music Carnival fm May to may, we have a sn day holiday. We held a special International Music Carnival in Centy Park. Music gups fm all over the world came to the park.

I like ck music very much. I've been longing to attend a music festival. My dream came true.

I enjoyed different kinds of music ding the carnival. I can't forget that we dance and go to all ages The moment the musician waved.




Five musicians in neat ning dresses are singing Mozart's Requiem in a bombed out library, or rather, in a pile of ruins, where ugh venues and tight secity checks deter diences, but the concert is being badcast live on international media neorks - in order to raise chaty funds, by the way, it's out of tune in the air It resonates with music and songs, mons for the countless lives lost in war, the artillery fire of hatred can desty rything tangible, but it can nr stifle the voice of bety and compassion fm the human heart. This scene takes place in downtown Sarajevo, Wharton, the capital of Bosnia, and also a respected city. Do you remember - Pop fm the United States Singer and pacifist Joan Bates, who sang at concerts there last year, spent most of her time travelling nd in ard personnel carers, but one day, while walking in fnt of a ruined bakery, she saw a man playing the cello, geving for the bombing, and the victims, including his own bther Joan, stopped, and she listened to his adagio, moning Lament the terble death and be glad to svive aculously.

Finally, she knelt next to the cellist, and they hugged each other tightly and ced all day. The singer later wte, "I suddenly felt a silent sadness, and I would not regret it. Even if I died that day, reading those pnted words, I felt tears in my eyes and music echoed in my ears - this is an image of ruins, a witness of human diity.



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