
发布时间:2023-06-19 07:50:01 阅读:387 点赞:0

关于”我一天时间表“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My daily schedule。以下是关于我一天时间表小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My daily schedule

Time class theme: the third floor of grade class in October) Chinese: party time meeting place: school gate Nanchang Temple time and place activity October afternoon mnasium classom school sports team performance, senior class: Chinese mathemati English sports physical technolo Music Arts and crafts chemistry: Laboratory.




Today is a fine day. On July 7, my fend Mr. White fm the United States will come to my home.

Beijing Olympic Games will be held in China next month. My fends and I will visit the Olympic Stadium in the ning. We will have dinner together.

Mr. White likes Beijing ast duck best. He also likes Chinese food, such as dumplings or dumplings.

The day after tomorw, I will see him off at the airport, Give him some all gifts, such as Chinese knots, tea, a tie for his father, and a cheongsam for his mother.




According to yesterday's arrangement, I need to go to the Central Park to meet a customer. After breakfast, it may take me o or three hos to get there. Then I go back to the company to have breakfast, have a rest at noon in the afternoon, work as usual, attend a meeting before work, work in the daytime, and be a all family.

What I have done today and what I will do after work the next day are my spare time Time, having dinner with family, going to the bar with fends, or watching TV at home after dinner, who knows,.



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