
发布时间:2023-10-30 09:01:02 阅读:501 点赞:0

关于”加拿大食物“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Canadian food。以下是关于加拿大食物高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Canadian food

Canada is a country occupying most parts of North Ameca. It is the second largest country in the world with the total area fm the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the Pacific Ocean in the West and the Arctic Ocean in the north. It is a bilingual and multicultal country with English and French as the official languages, advanced technolo and high degree of industalization.

Canada maintains a diversified economy and is seously dependent on the United States Due to its ch natal resoces and trade, especially with the United States, Canada has a long-term and complex relationship with the United States.




Ottawa is Canada's o most populous pvinces in North Ameca, and Canada is the o most populous pvinces in North Ameca.




About o months ago, it was reported that the winner of this year's Nobel Pze in literate was Alice Mone fm Canada. She is famous for her short stoes. Alice Mone won the Nobel Pze, which has given her a great reputation.

But at the same time, when we talk about the world, people begin to be interested in Canadian literate. First of all, Btish literate comes to o mind, Then Amecan literate is the main literate in the world, and Nobel Pze winners often belong to them. Howr, with the globalization of the world, the winners are no longer limited to Btain and Ameca.

India and China be to join the winner's club. At this time, and members of the club were joined. Canada also joined the Canadian literary world famous for its short stoes, Alice Mone and Magaret art Wood, Magaret lounes and others are outstanding short story wters.

The main feate of their wting is that the readers can easily understand the novels, but the novels are not so and the themes are pfound and pfound. Alice Mone is good at descbing the thoughts and struggles of characters, which is the reason why she won the Nobel Pze. Canadian literate is indeed on the se.

We can hear many outstanding wters whose short stoes are excellent and don't spend too much time reading. Canadian short stoes are worth reading.



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