
发布时间:2024-01-09 06:25:12 阅读:26 点赞:0

关于”最喜爱老师“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Favote teacher。以下是关于最喜爱老师初中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favote teacher

(my enthusiastic teacher) my enthusiastic teacher is Mr. Meng. She is my new math teacher.

Her class is very interesting. She is tall and thin. She is very betiful.

She is very art and active. She is stct but she is very kind. Her favote food is tomatoes.

She often reads books on Satdays and Sundays. This is my enthusiastic teacher. I like her.




In my life, I met many teachers, their personalities are not the same, I have a very special teacher, you may be spsed by my answer, dictionary is a living teacher, when I meet a new word, I really like to ask the dictionary for , I will look it up, know its definition, I think ry student, their first teacher is word Dictionary dictionary is a good teacher. It's very convenient, cheap and almost all inclusive. Sometimes I'm too shy to ask the teacher what's in my heart.

Then I tn to my dictionary. She is quiet and nr refuses my request. The I use it, the familiar I am now.

I'm really good at finding the page I want. A dictionary is essential, especially It's when you need to learn a forei language, but remember that you can't rely too much on it. The basic language skills come not fm dictionaes, but fm practice.

It's still my favote teacher.




My favote teacher Hello, my name is XXX. I have many good teachers, but my favote teacher is Miss Li. I think she is one of the best teachers in o school.

She looks slim and betiful. She teaches us English ry day. She speaks English very well.

She always praises and encoages us. When we complete a le or a dialogue, she gives us what we need, so we feel very much She likes her students to ask him questions. She often has many ways to make her class lively and interesting, so the students like her class very much.

I'm very lucky to have such a good teacher.



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