
发布时间:2023-12-16 07:07:27 阅读:49 点赞:0

关于”水资源污染“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Water pollution。以下是关于水资源污染六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Water pollution

Water pollution will make the quality of water resoces in China continue to decline, the water envinment will continue to deteorate, water resoces shortage and pollution accidents will continue to occ, which will not only cse pduction stoppage, pduction reduction and n agcultal pduction reduction, but also cse adverse social impact, seously threatening the sustainable dlopment of society and human svival. "Water pollution has become a major threat to human svival and secity, and has become a human being According to the svey of the world thotative orization, in dloping countes, dnking unsanitary water cses vaous diseases ry year. Dnking unsanitary water cses at least ten thousand deaths all over the world.

Water pollution is known as "the world's number one killer". Water pollution affects industal pduction, intensifies equipment corsion, affects pduct quality, and n makes water pduction impossible Pollution affects people's life and destys ecolo, directly endangers people's health and cses seous harm. Water pollution will harm people's health.

Dnking polluted water pollutants will enter the human body, csing acute or chnic poisoning. Howr, it will also cse vaous infectious diseases. Water pollution is not conducive to the dlopment of agculte.

Water pollution will lead to the decline of cp yield and quality, and sewage irgation will reduce soil quality.




With the dlopment of industry, human beings have only limited fresh water resoces to use. So it is time for us to take quick actions to ptect water resoces, stop pollution and save water. Otherwise, although what we see is fresh, the world population is gwing rapidly.

Therefore, enough fresh water is needed to feed such a large population, and factoes and vehicles are pduced Toxic gases or waste, we can't live on earth, which leads to water pollution.




In today's rapid economic dlopment, people can buy what they need, and manufacters pvide them with all the new things. Therefore, factoes pduce a lot of pducts. In order to oain the maximum pfits, they do not deal with the polluted water, which is harmful to people's health.

We dnk water ry day. The government contls the number of pducers and finds out some ways to deal with water pollution.



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