
发布时间:2023-05-20 11:00:58 阅读:109 点赞:0

关于”我们不会忘记“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:We won't forget。以下是关于我们不会忘记专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:We won't forget

A woman, I will nr forget, when I cry, when I ile, I leave her heart, no matter what kind of person I am, she is like my shadow, she is with me ry morning, I think, I can't be so cold, I must say to you: "thank you, dear mother".




I will nr forget the day when I first met my girlfend. Before I realized what had happened, I was thwn on the concrete ad and hit my head on the fnt wheel of my bike. The dust blred my eyes and scd my teeth.

It must be seous than all the traffic accidents I've heard. I thought to myself that the person who was going to be responsible for the accident was fuous, but when I looked up, I found such a betiful and sweet face that I couldn't refuse, becse I lghed as handsome as possible. I asked: sorry, yo kindness to me and my later efforts.

Did that girl become my girlfend It was an unforgettable expeence for me.




Beijing is the city I will nr forget. Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing has a long history and many interesting places.

I will take you to Beijing as yo guide. I hope you will have a good time and have an interesting holiday. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? If you go there, it will be very spectacular.

You will nr forget it. I am looking forward to seeing you.



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