
发布时间:2024-04-15 04:01:20 阅读:10 点赞:0

关于”教育公平“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Fairness of Education。以下是关于教育公平小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fairness of Education

education should be conducted in schools, becse too many students are not se that when children are mate, they may want to have , but they may not know how to ptect themselves, especially for girls. They may be ht than boys. They need to be given guidelines to them ptect themselves.

More than a million agers get preant ry year in the United States. The incidence rate of ually tranitted diseases among adolescents is the highest among all age gups. 1/4 of young people are ually tranitted diseases at the age of ages, and the number of HIV infected people is increasing rapidly.

In addition, if young people engage in unptected , they may have children and have young fathers and mothers on the basis of their younger age, less expeence and no income. They have no choice but to kill their children. Innocent babies who should have been born in the world and live in the sun have been killed by iorant parents.

In addition, education must be cared out in schools. Fm the above discussion, Chinese parents are always ashamed to tell their children about . I think the pblem is not whether education should be tght in schools, but how to teach and ptect them Teers are not ht.





At the same time, equal access to education, it also bngs a negative impact, equality is an important part of the plan, compulsory education and education equity are interrelated issues, it is necessary to formulate corresponding meases to pmote education equity, free compulsory education years of education equity can pmote.




My name is Mimi. I am 18 years old. I am the oldest child in my family.

Since preschool, I have learned a lot about fm my parents. They try to answer all the questions in a natal way. They start to discuss when they have the opportunity.

They respect my feelings and pvide personal guidance. They use the ght terminolo when they explain physiolo. They use pictes and books To supplement the oral explanation of their health attitude, attitude towards and their real answers to , I have gwn up in many ways: accepting my own and my gender les, cultivating self-confidence, being able to deal with my uality and feelings, establishing a positive and healthy relationship with the opposite .

education is an integral part of raising children.



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