
发布时间:2022-12-03 10:00:52 阅读:130 点赞:0

关于”过去时用法“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Usage of the past tense。以下是关于过去时用法初二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Usage of the past tense

Shanghai is a big city last summer vacation, my parents and I went to Shanghai, there are many interesting places, such as Shanghai Museum, Oental Pearl TV Tower and the Bund. I went shopping on Nanjing Road, ate Yu Garden in the people's Square, ate delicious snacks, I saw pigeons, and subway de was very convenient in the city. Shanghai is a betiful city, if you haven't been to this betiful place yet.

Why not come to Shanghai now?.




Yesterday I went to Libra with my best fend Tina. We read an interesting book called Martin's morning. We all think that this boy Martin is very interesting and active, so he lives a happy life.

Then Tina told me that she would like Martin and be as happy as possible.





Last tumn, the sky was always blue, and sometimes it would tn aund suddenly. The color was insidious, and the flood undercrent was sging. Howr, the recovery of grassland had almost no gray sface color.

The rainstorm and rainstorm of that year, the stng airflow was still dazzling and shimmeng. Only the birds in the North knew that the warm bed was sleeping, and then flying swans, geese and ducks were like a thick black Clouds, so here is a lush, do not know how long the effect, as if in a fierce fight finally raled, the field fm its bad chest acss the long path, slope and dam are water, trees and cps near the cemetery are scattered aund the circumference, has begun to sway in the breeze leaves tned into calm and bad dew back in the morning In the ning, Lu Lan, who moistened the dge of the mountain and quietly ppped up the field, came to the dam and floated quietly, no longer retning to the valley. Although the sun was still shining, the pain was no longer the backbone.

The sunbnt person became a spng, as if it was finally weak and could not be refined into a field. It was a field of reconciliation, just like tumn had come.



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