
发布时间:2022-12-15 16:41:21 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”有关西方节看法“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Views on western festivals。以下是关于有关西方节看法高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on western festivals

New year's calendar (January 11, Gregory saw the past of the old year and new year's blessings: happy new year, happy new year to you, happy new year to you. Thank you, the same celebration of the new year "Chstmas Jesus Chst Chstmas Day Chstmas tide people Chstmas Eve Jesus Chst Mary Chstmas tree Santa Cls / Santa Cls Chstmas cards and Chstmas presents Chstmas dinner baked mashed potato cake and water Fruit biscuit Chstmas Cal March after Easter first full moon Sunday Easter Sunday, Easter Sunday, fast, ance, Lord's resrection egg thank you November 4th Thsday May Flower Plymouth, Massachusetts Apl Fool's Day Father's day) June 3rd Sunday (father's day) spokaneward Work Department ministeal Association Wilson `(St. Valentine's day) (St.

Valentine's day) (St. Valentine's day) All Saint's days are sacred "Eve, Halloween + Eve, Jack's lantern is a tck or treat without sugar".




Today, Chinese people should celebrate western festivals. More and young people are fascinated by western festivals. When western festivals come, they usually go to restrants or shopping centers for recreation.

Why do young people like western festivals? Becse they worship all new things. They can't resist the temptation in their opinions. Western festivals symbolize fashion, while o Chinese traditional festivals are out of date.

No wonder we always feel bored in traditional festivals. If we tn a blind eye to o traditional festivals, o culte and civilization will disappear It's time for us to pay attention to the Chinese people.




Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that western customs spread to the East step by step, which makes many residents living in big cities enjoy themselves in the western festivals such as Chstmas and Apl Fool's day. This phenomenon shows that the people of the world are gradually appaching, and the world is becoming aller and aller. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a normal phenomenon and an inevitable trend.

First of all, it shows that we Chinese people have become open, rather than stick to some very old customs, which runs counter to o life. Looking back on history, we can find out why o China was very poor and weak in those years. The answer is yes, the answer is that we closed oselves to other countes, which led us to a very difficult ad We have suffered fm wars lnched by many Eupean countes, so I don't think it's just that we have to accept other customs, not to shut oselves up.

Of cose, the festival is only a beginning, and the policy of reform and opening up has led to this. So I would like to say that this is the great achiment of this policy since we implemented this policy. O country is dloping rapidly.

This is undouedly an inevitable trend. We can not only get closer and closer with o hometown fends, but also with many foreiers It is far fm embarrassing becse we don't know each other's customs and habits, and can avoid misunderstandings. Howr, this trend has its huge advantages to a certain extent.

If we worship western customs too much, it will be a negative factor, becse China is o own country. In the near fute, we should all have a patotic heart We can see how Westerners enjoy the spng festival culte.



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