
发布时间:2023-05-27 07:25:54 阅读:75 点赞:0

关于”介绍“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Athena's intduction。以下是关于介绍初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Athena's intduction

I want to go to a place in the summer vacation. My favote place in my mind is Beijing, the capital of my country. I have always wanted to go to Beijing, becse there are many places I want to go to.

For example, the Chinese emper once lived in the Impeal Palace, the Great Wall, a symbol of China's long history of the Chinese centy altar, has become an ancient ruins of the summer palace and a charming Summer Palace teacher Once descbed to them, students have been offline praise them, they appear in my dream, I once told my dream to my father and mother, father, mother always only have a faint ile, did not intend to take me to Beijing, but I can see the sadness and lessness of my bw, I also had to tell my father can't take me to Beijing and my heart is bken, this summer, I'm in the exam My mother was very happy to take me to Beijing to play. After listening to jump three feet high, but half of the summer vacation was over, my father said to me impatiently: "when my father wanted to take my money to Beijing, my father took my leg down impatiently, and my father said impatiently. My father wanted to take my leg down, and my father was very sorry." My father is going to Beijing with you before the family economy gets better.

I said, "I'm very disappointed but sad becse my father and my mother are under the presse of life. I'm a little reluctant to say to my father," Dad, it's OK. Beijing is not the same as not running.

It's not the same as going to play in the fute. "When I said," listen to my father's words, I'm very disappointed, but I'm very sad. Becse my father and my mother are under the presse of life, There is also a ile, I think this must be fm the understanding of my dghter's ile.




Liu Xiang, born in Shanghai in July, is centimeter tall and weighs kg. Singing and comr are his hobbies. He joined the Shanghai track and field team in March.

A year later, he was admitted to the national youth team. Sun Haiping has been training him in his gold medal winning model of men's m hdles at the Asian Games and the Asian Championships the following year. He was in the UK World Indoor Championships in August Liu Xiang won the third place in the m-hdles.

In the Athens Olympic Games in August, Liu Xiang won the men's m-hdles final in seconds, equating the world record and breaking the Olympic record. We all sincerely hope that he can achi better results in the Olympic Games in Beijing.




Once Zeus had a bad headache. All the gods, including Apollo, ted to pvide an effective treatment, but in vain. Then the father of the gods asked Hephaestus to open his head.

Vulcan did it. To the spse of all Olympians, Zeus's head was full of arms, and the goddess sent out light and glory. She was Athena of wisdom and knowledge, and also the patn saint of Athens.

The story of Athena becoming the patn saint of Athens is about the struggle beeen the goddess and Poseidon. When Athens was first built by the Phoenicians, Poseidon and Athena competed to name it. It is a consensus that whor pvides the most useful things to will become the patn saint of the city.

Poseidon struck the gund with his tdent and pduced a horse, while Athena had an olive tree, a symbol of peace and pspety. As the horse was seen as a struggle and sorw, Athens quickly seized Athena, the goddess of art and crafts, as well as women's handicrafts. She knows her craft like the back of her hand, so she has no challenge in this respect.

A young girl named Lydia didn't seem to value Athena's skills very much, becse she often spoke up. If she had the ability, she could beat the goddess for a chance. The goddess was angry.

She dressed up as an old woman and went to persuade Arachne to be modest. But the iorant craften bravely let the goddess come down and compete with her. The goddess took off her disguise and accepted the competition, and the o women immediately be to change themselves.

As the goddess told her story of her competition with posedona lachina, she be to weave a delicate web. When both works were completed, dalakhner was spsed to find himself defeated becse the goddess's desi was infinitely good. She felt so ashamed that she tied a piece of silk to hang.

But just before her last breath, the breath goddess tned her into a spider and let her weave forr..









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