
发布时间:2023-05-17 07:20:49 阅读:151 点赞:0

关于”吃零食问题“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Snack pblem。以下是关于吃零食问题xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Snack pblem

Don't eat too many snacks. Many students have the habit of eating snacks. They often eat them on the way home and school, but it is not good for o health, no nuttion, and n harmful to us.

We shouldn't eat too much. We should keep a good diet. We can eat some bread, steamed buns or pork.

You can have ce and chicken, lean meat and vegetables for lunch and dinner.





Nowadays, the phenomenon of eating snacks is very seous. Some students spend a lot of money to buy snacks ry day. It's a bad habit to waste.

Most snacks are not healthy food. People tend to get fat when they eat snacks. Some people get sick becse of junk food, which is harmful to o envinment.

You know why as a high school student, we should keep a good eating habit.




The common correction is that some children do not want to eat ce and always like to eat snacks, which will affect their health. There are o main reasons for children to eat snacks: some parents spoil their children too much, they start fm taking care of their children, what they eat, what they buy, what they eat, what they eat, they eat standing, for a long time, some families dlop the habit of eating snacks, and when eating In the morning and ning, we can't form the habit of fixed time and quantity. Sometimes when we cook at night, we are afraid that the children will enter the children's biscuits, cakes and snacks when they are gry.

The children's gastininal bden is heavier, the digestive function is disordered, and the appetite is decreased. When we eat snacks, we don't tell the Hong family children that eating snacks is an unhealthy bad habit. Teachers and parents should pay attention to it.

We should make great efforts to educate children to change Teachers should pay attention to the following ways of students' health education. They should not pay attention to the students' health thugh the following ways At work, students who are looking for snacks should first understand their own living habits and eating habits of the day, and then put forward specific requirements. If they are told half an ho before eating snacks and don't eat snacks a few days later, the teacher asks the students to change their eating habits, notice some pgress, admit them in time, give apppate ctici and them overcome the third time For the habit of eating snacks, family visits or parents' meeting will take the initiative to cooperate with parents to students get d of the bad habit of eating snacks for the second time, and eat three meals a day with fixed amount of food.



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