
发布时间:2023-11-13 18:08:45 阅读:31 点赞:0

关于”业绩介绍“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Performance intduction。以下是关于业绩介绍xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Performance intduction

I have a family with grandfather, father, mother, younger her and I have a little people. In fact, it is a warm home. We always love each other and lose.

There is grandfather's encoagement, sick, mother's care is bong, and her's company. But Dad, in fact, is not easy to express love. He likes to express himself with slight movements.

Maybe this is his way of expressing love. I like it Happy ile, I am a lively and lovely girl, I like to cry, I am a sentimental girl, I like to care about others, but I like to be cared about, I want to make fends with people no matter where he hopes to have fate, we can become fends.




All human souls are a giant fish in the sea. When they were born, they started fm the seaside. On the ad, they sometimes met and sometimes separated.

When they went to the seaside, they died. Later, they became a sleeping fish. After years of waiting, they started again.

This joney will nr end. On the 16th birthday day of endless life, I lived in the book "immortals aund the floor, a named" spng " ”In order to pay off the de and revive the human boy, Tsukuba needs to be in his own world. After expeencing vaous difficulties and obstacles, Tsukuba needs the of the boy's soul A fish the size of a thumb gws a fish bigger than a whale and retns to earth.




Dear jack, I'm glad to hear fm you. I'd like to intduce o Beijing to you. Beijing is not only an ancient city, but also a very modern city.

Now there are many famous places, such as summer resort, Forbidden City, great wall and so on. You can see many foreiers fm all over the world come to Beijing. There are tall buildings and fashionable things here than before, such as KTV, shopping center, high-end entertainment and so on.

Of cose, there was no clean and quiet word in the past. Beijing is getting better and better. We are Chinese and Beijing for oselves I'm pud that you have enough time.

I invite you here. I beli yo tp will soon become the most impressive one in yo life, Li Hua.



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