
发布时间:2023-07-14 07:17:03 阅读:53 点赞:0

关于”去野餐题目“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The topic of going on a picnic。以下是关于去野餐题目小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The topic of going on a picnic

Last weekend we went for a picnic in the country and bught some sandwiches and bottles of water for lunch. Of cose, we didn't forget to bng some fruits, n some tomatoes and cucumbers. In order to avoid the traffic jam, we left home early.

About o hos later, we came to a very good place, just by the ver. We took o bicycles to swim under the trees. It's very hot.

After swimming, we had lunch in the shade of a tree.





Last tumn, we had a picnic together. First, we climbed to the top of the mountain. We saw many pmary school students chatting and lghing there.

Then we shared o food. We saw a betiful stream nearby, but there was a lot of rubbish in it. It was a pity.

We thought that we should tell people to ptect o living envinment, so after the picnic, we should tell people to ptect o living envinment, We put up a few sis near the stream, and when we went home, the si said, "please keep the stream clean and betiful." we said goodbye to each other, and then we had a next date.




Two high school students had a chance to reunite. They had planned to go to the barbecue for half a year, but it seemed that o pblems prnted their reunion: one, one of their relatives decided to visit him, although their relatives decided to visit him. Later, they still went out to enjoy the fun of outdoor barbecue.

Who could have expected that it rained cats and dogs all of a sudden They had checked the weather forecast before planning the barbecue, but in the end it rained and they were still happy to finally have the chance to meet.



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