介绍黄河的英语作文_Introduction to the Yellow River 3篇

发布时间:2022-04-29 11:40:01 阅读:1342 点赞:0

关于”介绍黄河“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Intduction to the Yellow River。以下是关于介绍黄河四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to the Yellow River

"Yellow River Cantata" is a chorus composed by Chinese composer Xian Xinghai. It was d in Yan'an at the beginning of the second Sino Japanese war. The inspiration of the work is fm a patotic poem.

When it was first performed in the Northern Shaanxi Institute of technolo in Yan'an in Apl of the same year, the song was adapted and quickly spread thughout the country, greatly encoaging the people to take up arms to fight against Japanese invaders.




Standing on the top of the mountains, I watch the Yellow River lling, rushing southeast of gold, bnging thousands of waves of muddy streams and sweetness, become nine songs, linked to the flowers under the Kunlun Mountains, running to the Bank of the Yellow Sea. The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation and the cradle of ancient Chinese. This is due to the stoes of yo hees.

You are stng and like a majestic Yellow River On the Asian plain, with yo maificent physique to build the natal cover of o nation, the Yellow River is ten thousand high, mighty, extending an in arm of o national great spit to the north and the south, will nte yo underdlopment and gw into hees and dghters of the motherland, learn fm yo example, be great and stng like you, and be as stng as you,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.




The Yellow River is a ver that we call the mother, also known as the Yellow River. It oginates fm the northern slope of bayannula mountain in Qinghai Pvince and stretches for sral kilometers with a drai area of kilometers. We Chinese people remember that song "descendants of the " is like "there is a in the East, its name is the Yellow River".

The Yellow River is the birthplace of China.



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