介绍泰山的英语作文_Introduction to Mount Tai 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-03 00:34:00 阅读:316 点赞:0

关于”介绍泰山“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduction to Mount Tai。以下是关于介绍泰山中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Mount Tai

Mount Tai is a mountain with histocal and cultal siificance in the north of Tai'an City, Shandong Pvince. The highest peak in China is yuhuangfeng Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoi". It is related to sunse, birth and .

Temples on its hillside have been the destination of pilgms for many years.


泰山是山东省泰安市北部一座具有历史文化意义山,最高山峰是玉皇峰(简体中文:繁体中文:拼音:Yùhuangáng Dīng,通常报告为米英尺)高,但被描述为米英尺泰山是“五大神山”之一,它与出、诞生和更新有关,它山坡上庙宇多年来一直是朝圣者目地。


Mount Tai in Shandong Pvince has been listed as "world cultal and natal hetage" by UNESCO. Mount Tai is a typical representative of Chinese traditional famous mountains. It has a long history and special histocal status.

It has been listed in the list of national key scenic spots and officially listed in the list of national key scenic spots. The world natal and cultal hetage list is a precious hetage of The eastern part of the North China Plain and the central part of Shandong Pvince is sunded by mountains in Shandong Pvince. The main peak of Yuhuang peak is meters high in the East.

Taishan Mountain is high in the South and high in the north. The south foot starts fm Tai'an City and ends in Jinan City in the North, km away fm Taishan Mountain. There are Beijing Shanghai railway passing thugh in the West and Jinan City in the north.

The distance beeen Taishan Mountain and qubu is km The railway meets in Tai'an City, which is located at the south foot of Mount Tai.




Mount Tai is known as one of the five famous mountains in China, namely, Mount Tai in eastern China, Hengshan Mountain in South China, Huashan Mountain in Western China, Hengshan Mountain in North China and Songshan Mountain in Central China. It stretches for sral kilometers to the north of Tai'an City and stands the highest peak of Mount Tai, with an altitude of sral meters. Mount Tai is majestic and precipitous, overlooking the sunding valleys and precipitous peaks to the top of Mount Tai.

We will enjoy the charming scenery and appreciate the ancient architectal works of vaous styles. Then, we will trudge along the stairs leading to Tiannan gate to reach the guan peak. Looking aund, we will find oselves involuntaly attracted by the mountains and the scenery beyond the scenery.



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