
发布时间:2024-03-08 03:09:25 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”推崇文化“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advocating Chinese culte。以下是关于推崇文化中考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advocating Chinese culte

It is shocking that many hetage sites have to give way to local economic construction. I personally think it is short-sighted common sense that cultal reli are part of o history and part of o lives now. In my personal opinion, destying cultal hetage means destying o culte and betraying o history, so things have to be a whole in order to stop this irresponsible behavior.

As far as I am concerned, first of all, we should spare no effort to make people realize the importance and necessity of ptecting cultal hetage, which seems to be a difficult task, and the government should set up a cultal hetage ptection fund wisely.




My name is Wang Nan, a middle school student. I have a good fend, Jim he'an, an Amecan girl. We are all in class 2, Grade 8.

She is this year old. She is one year older than me. We all study hard.

I am good at sports, but she is good at math. We often each other. We all like to others.

We all like sports. I like playing basketball, but I like playing football. She likes green But I like red tenacity, o way is different, we are good fends.




In China, people are used to using ce and wheat as their main daily food soces. Chinese people think that ce, wheat, vegetables and fruits are the most beneficial to o health. In contrast, meat can bng pblems to o health, such as heart disease and high blood presse.

In the United States, most people eat beef, chicken, shmp and Tkey in restaants. You can easily find hambgers, steaks, sparebs with a little ce and a piece of bread. Most Chinese families like to cook at home.

When they eat, the family will sit nd the table and share the dishes In the United States, in China, many Chinese family members are influenced by Coniani while eating, and there are many Chinese family members who have a great influence on Coniani and Taoi. Due to the great influence of Coniani, Chinese people respect s and gods for health and the wheel of life. Therefore, the attitude of Chinese towards the elderly and their parents is always very high So different fm Amecans, Chinese don't call their parents' names.

Most Amecans beli in Chstianity and Catholici. Chstians and Catholi often pray to God. We can see that the ideolo people beli in is quite different beeen Chinese and Amecans.

Amecans are open-minded, while Chinese are quite conservative. They beli that God bless them. They will die Sent to heaven.



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