
发布时间:2023-04-17 11:54:09 阅读:80 点赞:0

关于”献给孩子“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Dedicated to children。以下是关于献给孩子xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Dedicated to children

We are doing o things ry day, passing by each other, whether to attract each other's eyes, about to say or talk about o rything is noise and thorns, thorns and noise, ry one of o ancestors has a hem sewn on o tongue, a hole in a uniform, a tire mending, something to repair someone is ght Try to use a pair of wooden spoons on an oil barrel with cello, speaker, harmonica, voice composing somewhere a woman and her son are waiting for a bus a farmer is thinking about the changing sky. The teacher says, "take out yo pencil and start."; we meet in language, the words are pckly or fluent, think about it in a low voice or shout, reconsider we css the dirt ad and highway Roads, these ads mark someone's will, and then others say, "I need to see what's on the other side of the ad, I know there's something better on the other side of the ad"; "we need to find a place where we're safe, we're walking into places we can't see yet it's clear that a lot of people have died, singing for this day the names of the dead who bught us here, They built rails, built bdges, picked cotton and lettuce, built glitteng buildings bck by bck, kept clean, and worked inside sang for the struggle, made clear at the dining table for ry handwtten si hymn today some lived in "love yo neighbor like yoself" … others didn't ht first, or than Yo needs, if the most powerful word is love, beyond marage, filial piety, national love, it cast an expanded pool of light and love, without complaining first 13intoday's sharp spark, this winter's air, anything can be done, any word starts at the edge, edge, on the crest of the wind praises the song moving forward in the light.


赞美这一天歌‰我们每一天都在做我们事情,走过彼此,是否吸引对方目光,即将要说或谈论我们一切都是噪音和荆棘,荆棘和喧闹,我们每一个祖先都在我们舌头上有人在缝一个下摆,在制服上补一个洞,修补一个胎,修理需要修理东西 有人正试图用一对木勺放在油桶上,放着大提琴、音箱、口琴、声音在某处作曲 一个妇女和她儿子在等公共汽车 一个农民在考虑变化天空老师说,“拿出你铅笔开始” 我们在语言上相遇,文字多刺或流畅,低声或高喊话来考虑,重新考虑 我们穿过土路和高速公路,这些道路标志着某人意愿,其他人说,“我需要看看另一边是什么,我知道路另一边有更好东西”;“我们需要找到一个我们安全地方,我们走进了我们还看不到地方 说清楚,很多人已经了为这一天歌唱那些把我们带到这里来者名字,他们铺设了铁轨,架起了桥梁,采摘了棉花和莴苣,一块砖一块地建造闪闪发光大厦,保持清洁,并在里面工作 为奋斗而歌颂,为今天每一个手写标志赞美歌在餐桌上弄清楚它 有些人生活在“爱你邻居如你自己”…其他人首先没有伤害,或者说不超过你需要,如果最强大词是爱,超越婚姻、孝顺、爱,它投下了一个扩大光爱池,而不需要先发牢 在今天锐利火花,这个冬天空气中,任何事情都可以做出,任何一句话都开始在边缘,边缘,在风口浪尖上赞美在那光中向前走歌。


As a community volunteer, my clasates and I go to the shelter ry other Satday afternoon to us do what we can. There are many old people and children who can't go home for the time being. Old people often feel lonely and less.

Some of us read newspapers for them ry day, chat with their spitual partners, and some of us play s with o children.





Girls all over the world are to make themselves likable, in order to ist themselves into a shape suitable for others, please do not ist yoself into a shape suitable for others. If someone likes yo version, that version of you is fake and will hinder yo pgress, instead of women like you, who teach you how to shape a versatile woman in this world, rather than a woman like you who teaches you how to a versatile woman. Happiness is becse there are too many articles telling women how to make men happy.

I don't speak to excite Angry me becse we are on the earth for a short time, ry moment we are not o most real oselves, ry moment we pretend that we are not what, ry moment we are saying what we don't want to say, becse we think that is what others want us to say, then we waste o time on the earth. I don't mean it sounds precious, but please don't say it's precious Waste yo time on earth. My mother thinks that what a person should do is very , becse the sad person is "a woman", such as nodding and iling occasionally, n if iling is the last thing a person wants to do, such as strategically giving way to certain arguments, especially when I argue with a non female, such as getting mared and having children, I can come up with a good reason to do these things, but "becse "For you are a woman" is not one of the reasons why you will nr accept "becse you are a woman" as a reason to do or not do anything.

Nowadays, girls often only regard love as a kind of praise to women in their gwing up pcess. When love is an act of giving, love is giving and receiving, pleasing love, and dang to accept by giving and receiving giving and being given.



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