介绍李白的英语作文_Introduce Li Bai 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-05 11:18:26 阅读:528 点赞:0

关于”介绍李白“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Intduce Li Bai。以下是关于介绍李白初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce Li Bai

Li Bai was one of the three poets in the Tang Dynasty. He was born in a place called Gang Xiaosheng in China. When he was five years old, he followed his father to Sichuan.

He was free and unrestrained.




Li Bai or Li Bai (Chinese: Pinyin: l ǐ B á I, or l ǐ B ó) is a Chinese poet. He is a member of the gup of Chinese scholars. In one of Du Fu's poems, he is called "Eight Immortals in wine cup".

Li Bai is often regarded as one of the o grea poets in the history of Chinese literate. As one of the o grea poets in the history of Chinese literate, Li Bai's poems are still preserved to this day. His first translation in western language was first published in the collection of Tang poetry published by Herbert Allen Giles, which was first published in Chinese literate and , but had an impact on poeti The extravat imagination and stking Taoist image in his poems, as well as his love for wine such as Du Fu, spent most of his life traveling, although in his case, it was becse his wealth enabled him, not becse his poverty forced him to dwn in the ver.

He fell fm the boat when he was drunk trying to embrace the reflection of the moon.




Li Bai is a young lotus scholar and poet. His style is majestic and uninhibited, his imagination is ch, his language is natal and vivid, and his changeable harmony is changeable. He is good at painting, and folk songs are based on folk myths.

His unique and maificent color has been active in the new peak of mantic poetry and "Li Bai" by Du Fu.



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