
发布时间:2023-03-31 02:21:21 阅读:307 点赞:0

关于”出国留学好处“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Benefits of studying abad。以下是关于出国留学好处专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of studying abad

In recent years, with the dlopment of globalization, the competition beeen people is intense. Many parents attach great importance to their children's education. Some parents think that it is better for their children to study abad than to be pficient in forei languages in domestic universities.

The backgund of studying abad has advantages for students in social competition. Howr, I don't think ryone is suitable for studying abad, which depends on individual ability. First of all, they don't study hard Even if they can get into a better school, it is very difficult for them to graduate.

For example, maladjustment and language gap will bng great presse to them. The increasing presse will undermine their confidence and ntually form a vicious circle. Even if they get the 30th forei diploma, the thesis will not them They are looking for jobs abad, just like in China.

Studying abad is only the second waste of young people. Students with bad psycholo should not go abad. Many Chinese children are the apple of their eyes to their parents.

They have nr suffered hardship. Some children can't adapt to the living habits of forei countes. Third, it's a good choice for students with poor conditions to enter domestic universities, becse going abad is a good choice Studying abad is expensive.

Tuition and other money pblems will increase the bden on them and their families. In summary, I think that one's adaptability is important than the envinment of going abad. Going abad can baden one's hozons, make new fends and expeence new culte.

But before going abad, students should know their own advantages and disadvantages.




Nowadays, many people like to study abad, which is often regarded as a great opportunity. They will have a bght fute on their joney. They can not only learn different cultes and knowledge fm abad, but also ench o life.

Similarly, a coin has o sides. Different people have different ideas. Conservative and negative concerns about studying abad have gradually emerged fm o society.

People begin to dou what is wng with studying abad. There are sral pblems worth discussing. The negative factors of studying abad may affect o cultal and economic life if we are in China Studying and living in another country, some peers may not be able to adapt to their new learning and living envinment, which may be very different fm the bety of their life.

If a person is uncomfortable with the new culte of another country, he will not be happy to study in that country. Studying abad will cost a lot of living expenses for students. Some Chinese students are very succesul in their studies, so they get scholarships in their studies.

Howr, most of their peers studying abad do not get scholarships. They have to live far away fm their parents and motherland to cope with many unexpected difficulties. For example, medical insance, daily food, clothing, rent and transportation often generate a lot of living expenses, and they need to rely heavily on their parents' monthly income overseas.





The advantage is to baden students' knowledge and vision, cultivate their independence and personality, learn advanced knowledge and expeence, and pvide opportunities for students to learn advanced mament expeence. Students have to face many pblems when they study abad. They must learn how to adapt to a new envinment and how to get along with teachers and clasates thugh communication with forei students Finally, they will see a place different fm themselves, which can pvide a good language envinment, and make them easily infected with a language defect: students will encounter a lot of psychological pblems, they feel lonely and lonely.

In addition, the tuition fee is too high, which is a heavy financial bden for ordinary people. Moreover, students will feel homesick when they leave home for such a long time sleep.



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