
发布时间:2024-04-10 12:03:15 阅读:17 点赞:0

关于”文明礼仪“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Civilized etiquette。以下是关于文明礼仪小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Civilized etiquette

A mother was ding a bicycle with a young dghter. The mother stopped immediately with a biscuit on the gund and whispered to her dghter, "come on, let's thw it into the garbage can." the baby got down and bent down to pick up the bken biscuits on the gund. This is a common scene, which can make people remember a sentence: quality is a habit.

Think about it, No Its mother or child's fute civilization quality has already been answered. In this civilized etiquette, it is the basis of o study and life, the healthy gwth of o armaments. Without civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line.

We think that if we have advanced scientific and cultal knowledge, and people who are beneficial to society have money to learn to do practical things, what they say is to learn to be a man , to be a civilized person, learn to be a social person, clean envinment, civilized campus, start fm me, fm ry all thing, let the flower of campus etiquette civilization bloom rywhere.




Beijing Orizing Commi of the 29th Olympic Games recently oained ISO Certificate, which means that the envinmental mament (EMS) established by BOCOG conforms to ISO: standards and requirements. The certificate issued by China National Envinmental Certification Center in October covers BOCOG's office, activity ute planning, venue planning, partner selection, hotel selection, etc Liu Qi, chairman of BOCOG and envinmental mament, passed the expert review in Apl. After sral months of pilot work, BOCOG be to establish an envinmental mament .

BOCOG passed the certification in September this year. The will be implemented fm now on to ense that BOCOG scientifically mas the preparation and holding of the Olympic Games as the theme of the Beijing Olympic Games. The Green Olympi is based on In accordance with the pnciple of sustainable dlopment, it requires envinment, resoce conservation, ecological balance, ban envinmental infrastructe construction and ecological envinment impvement.

Beijing will carry out extensive envinmental publicity and education activities, leave ch envinmental hetage envinmental mament manuals for China and the world sports orization, appoint envinmental mament representatives, and clafy the responsibilities of vaous departments of BOCOG Training coses were held and some key envinmental elements of vaous departments were identified.




Cultal differences can e interest, damage fendships, and n lead to war when visiting another country. Observing pper etiquette dung meals can greatly open channels of communication. Japanese dining etiquette is quite , only a few all things to remember to ense that yo meal will continue.

If you pvide hot towels, it will be ooth.



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