读书的名言英文_Famous saying of reading 5篇

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关于”读书名言“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Famous saying of reading。以下是关于读书名言中考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Famous saying of reading

Knowledge makes a man humble, iorance makes him pud. Learning is the eye of the soul, learning is an endless wise man, a silent fool. Time and tide wait for no one, and there is no way for those who are willing to learn.

A good book is a good fend. Reading makes a full person have a meeting ready. There is a way to wte an accate person.

A little knowledge is a dangeus thing. Books and fends should be few and good. We can ench o mind by reading and polish it by talking.

Choosing thors is just like choosing fends.




If we have books, we won't feel lonely. When I am free or in tuble, I always take out a book and read it quietly. I put my heart on the book so that I can forget all my tubles.

It is in this way that I have dloped the habit of reading at any time. As a little boy like me, I am very interested in picte books and story books. As soon as I enter middle school, I am moved by them.

I begin to read novels and plays, and I find that I can get a lot fm them bit by bit. I'm very interested in literate. Last semester, I won the first pze in the Zhejiang middle school students' composition con.

Reading the emper's new clothes, I had to lgh for his fool. The little match girl couldn't crying. Her pain bught me into a dangeus world.

Helen Keller's patience and persrance also impressed me deeply, Books also tell me how to be a man and how to distinguish ght fm wng. Good books can let me know what I haven't done before, so I thought of a good book as my best fend.





There are many unsuccesul years behind ry succesul man. Bob Bwn, I think there are no rules for success, but you can learn a lot fm faile. Jean Kerr, success has no secret.

It is the result of preparation and hard work. Learn fm faile. Colin L.

Powell, nothing in the world is difficult if you make up yo mind to live in the land Fang, rything is difficult, rything is difficult, before they are easy, constant dpping wears thugh the stone. The first blow is half of the battle, and the man who is determined to win will nr say "impossible" (Bonaparte Napoleon, emper of France) "B rything has its advantages ·· difficult envinment is the textbook of people's life ·· faile is the mother of success Thomas Paine · - becse man is man and of destiny ·· without great willpower, there is No Great talent, Balzac. Good seamen are known in bad weather.

There is hope in life. You have to beli in yoself. That's the secret of success.

Charles Chaplin. Stop fighting. Stop living.

Thomas Carlyle. The joney of a thousand miles begins with the first step. A stng man will fight the storm of fate.

Thomas Addison.



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