介绍的英语作文_introduce 2篇

发布时间:2022-07-03 11:57:52 阅读:130 点赞:0



Art Festival the student union of o school plans to hold an art festival next semester. The members of the student union are inviting students to express their opinions and suggestions on how to oze the festival or what should be included. I want to express my opinion on the festival.

One theme is fundamental. Secondly, we should make other preparations according to the theme. Secondly, we should carry out a lot of publicity on it, which can attract many students to participate in the art festival.

Third, what should be included is worth consideng. How to display art works is a big pblem. We should discuss it carefully and add some ideas.

Among them, the number of art works should be put in o mind. We must be familiar with the sequence of activities, keep a clear mind, and finally hold the Art Festival succesully. We are looking forward to the arval of the festival, and wish you all the best The student union has made a big success.





As the object of human cultivation, pcessing and manufacting, artificial natal objects occupy an increasingly important position in the human centered world. It has bught new revolution to human life. A new technolo, the innovation bught by artificial cloning of natal objects, has deeply shaken the world's human mind cloning technolo.

As a new technolo of contemporary era, its unique attraction Power has been paid and attention and become the center of contversy, resulting in understanding of it. As far as the technological revolution is concerned, it is of great siificance in the fields of human ethi and morality. Cloning technolo may indeed be accompanied by the history of nuclear technolo, becse it is not only beneficial to human beings, but also disastus, but the essence of "technological fear" is that The dlopment of human society tells us that human beings should face the reality rationally when facing ethical is.




Located at the eastern end of the city hall, nearest to England, is the Tudor coat of arms, which was used ding the rei of Elizabeth I. Shakespeare made his first great success in this peod. The following "coat of arms" is a poem about Shakespeare wtten by David garcactor, playwght, theatre and supplicant of 18th centy English drama.

Please tn to the inscption page listed on the left.


位于东端,离英国最近,是都铎时代英国盾徽这是伊丽莎白一世时期使用盾徽,在这一时期取得了第一次伟大成。下面《盾形纹章》是18世纪英国戏剧传奇人物大卫·加里卡克托(David Garckactor),剧作家,剧院经理和恳求者一首关于诗一段话,请转到左边列出碑文页。

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