50字的英语美文摘抄_50 words 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-23 02:29:02 阅读:107 点赞:0

关于”50字“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:50 words。以下是关于50字小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:50 words

Dear Xiong Wang, we are going to meet in fnt of the school next Sunday morning. We will start cycling to the park in the morning. Please remember to bng a mat, picnic food and some dnks.

Please be punctual. Dear students, Pfessor Smith fm the University of New Jersey will give a speech on Amecan Education. The lecte will be held fm Satday afternoon to afternoon om on December 3 Put pen and notebook.




I like watching TV pgrams. My favote TV pgram is wild animals. There are many animals in it.

I will see them in my daily life, but most of them I don't have the chance to watch it. It descbes the gwth pcess of different animals. It is very interesting and mysteous.

I like to learn a lot fm it. For example, blue whale is the largest living animal in the world and its lifestyle I think wildlife is a good show and it's worth watching. It's an eye opener.




"Santa Cls" is a very famous TV entertainment pgram in South Korea. It will invite the most popular movie and singer stars to participate. All the participants will be divided into o gups and asked to participate in vaous s.

The ultimate goal is to find out the spies in the . Although the pgram has stopped badcasting, it is very difficult to find someone who spasses xman in Korean vaety shows Other shows are among the most succesul vaety shows.



标签: 酒店英文名 

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