用英语介绍自己的家乡_Introduce your hometown with 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-04 09:34:49 阅读:123 点赞:0

关于”用介绍自己家乡“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduce yo hometown with。以下是关于用介绍自己家乡初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo hometown with

My hometown is a betiful place. It is located on a wide ver. At the foot of the low green mountain, there are many high-se buildings and wide streets.

There are flowers and trees rywhere. But it is not always like the past. It is a sad and dirty all landlord and businesan.

Living there, there are only a few good houses for the working people, which are dark and unhygienic In the past, ryone was poor and many had no jobs. After liberation, rything changed. Under the leadership of the party, the people got d of the mud and built schools, theatres, shops and apartments.

They have an assembly hall and a hospital by the ver. They have set up offices by the ver. There are many factoes in hotels and parks on the ver.

Color belts and boats come and go. They carry o industal pducts to all parts of the country day and night. I love my hometown, I love its people.

They have changed their health and happiness. They are doing their best to build sociali.





My hometown is Shaoyang. Although it is only a all city in Hunan Pvince, I love my hometown. One of the reasons is that it is also the hometown of Wei Yuan and Cai E.

we all know that Wei Yuan is a famous thinker and Cai E is an outstanding general. If you can come to my hometown, I am very pud. You can't miss Lanshan.

It's very betiful becse it is the tradition of Shaoyang Food, it is a must to eat. It's und, like a ball. It's delicious, but you can't eat it as soon as you buy it fm the .

Becse it's raw, you should cut it into pieces and cook it until Shaoyang people are mate. They are as kind as I am. Maybe they look cool, but they are really kind.

If you mention , they will try their best to you.




The weather in my hometown is sunny most of the time. The old people there often go out for a walk in the afternoon. Even if it is winter now, I don't feel too cold.

Sometimes it rains and the sky tns grey, but it doesn't matter, becse ryone in my hometown knows that the weather will get better soon.



标签: 大气英文名 

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