
发布时间:2024-04-13 12:44:46 阅读:10 点赞:0

关于”我五十字“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My father has fifty words。以下是关于我五十字xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My father has fifty words

The family has formulated a set of diet rules suitable for themselves. They should formulate a set of diet habits suitable for themselves ry day, and abide by the family diet rules. Possession wants to put their goods on others, and can not traner them pvately.

It belongs to the mateal that respects others and conducts before soliciting opinions. It can also be standardized by o kinds of oginal positions: respect for others and respect for others In order to play the after daily necessities homing, to play toys as the ppose, after using tools, go out to do public goods, after using homing tools, thw the garbage into the garbage can. Go back home first, wash yo hands before meals and brush yo teeth before going to bed.

In the morning and before ry afternoon, you should take off yo clothes on time before going to bed and don't thw things at home Must wear indoor shoes, can not barefoot, and then must finish the work, watching TV or comr time contl within minutes, Satday and Sunday can be extended to hos, eat at the dinner table, can not eat while watching TV, can not eat in bed, dlop good learning habits, finish homework on time, finish homework in school as much as possible ry day, finish homework first and then study in college after retning home Heart, can not be absent-minded, play while learning, ry day before going to bed to pack a good bag, read a book can train independence, do their own things, complete their own life affairs, dress, undress, eat and dnk, wash and so on, parents do some housework, parents will be very grateful that you play s in a certain time, enjoy the fun of their own , mutual respect Pay attention to the other party's interests and hobbies, do not interfere with other people's interests and hobbies within the agreed time, and learn to respect children's attention to something. When it is put aside, we should avoid arbitraness and violence, break the Convention, and stve to cultivate children's sense of concentration on something.




My weekend thinks ryone likes it becse it's a time for relaxation and entertainment. Now I want to talk about my weekend. I often spend Satdays on entertainment, such as playing basketball with fends, watching movies and TV pgrams, traveling with my family, etc.

I always spend the week on homework and rest. Sometimes I go to visit my grandparents with my grandparents. It's fun to see them.





Can we buy yo clothes on sale? All o clothes sell well. You like hats. We have red and white hats.

We only have ¥ we have boys' socks. We have only ¥ 5 socks. We have sweaters.

We have T-shirts only. We have bags.



标签: 女孩英文名  女士英文名  小朋友英文名  宠物英文名  王者英文名 

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