关于环保的英语演讲稿_Speech on environmental protection 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-04 15:13:38 阅读:113 点赞:0

关于”环保演讲稿“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Speech on envinmental ptection。以下是关于环保演讲稿高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech on envinmental ptection

How can we ptect the envinment? Almost ry day, o planet hears another envinmental pblem: pollution, acid rain, global warming, the destruction of rainforest and other wild habitats, the reduction and extinction of thousands of species of plants and animals, and so on. Now, most of us know that these threats exist and are csed by human beings. Many of us are very wored about them In the fute of o planet, unless we can find solutions to the pblems we have csed, the envinment will suffer n .

It all sounds so frustrating, but we must not disappoint each of us. No matter how old we are, we can do something to slow down and rrse some of the damage. We can't leave the pblem to the experts completely.

We all have a responsibility for o envinment. We must learn to live in a sustainable way, that is, to learn to use o natal resoces, including air Fresh water, forests, wildlife, far and oceans will not be destyed by population gwth and lifestyle changes. We must keep the world in good condition so that o fute generations will have the same natal resoces that we have now.

Here are just some ideas to you do something to ptect o envinment, plant trees and save ener And water, minimize waste, use as much public transport as possible, and you can ptect wildlife.




I'm wored that my country is full of pollution. What should we do now? We need fresh air to breathe, we need pe water to dnk, we need clean envinment, healthy people must stop litteng, we must respect o envinment, we must first become fends of the earth, ryone must participate, ryone must us, we can clean me up O neighbors second, we can practice saving, we can reduce waste and reuse things, we can recycle paper, bottles and plastic. Third, we can put "don't litter" sis in ry corner.

We can thw garbage cans in ry corner. When we see garbage, we must take action against pollution. This is o fute.

We are ptecting It's o duty to keep o planet clean. So please don't pollute. Don't be a dustbin.

Don't be afraid to remind others. Let's ptect the bety of nate. Let's have a bght fute.

Let's start to clean the trash cans of o neighbors.




Save o nate. I remember when I was a child, there were not many tall buildings. There were trees rywhere.

In the countryside, we could play with lovely animals and feel the fresh air. What a wonderful memory! But now, the betiful scenery is gone, o sight is covered by the sky, the air is polluted rywhere, the water is dirty, so what happened to o nate? Some people may say, "we are the s of nate", but now we are really facing and pblems becse of human behavior. The temperate is sing year by year, and and land has become desert.

If we still have no meaning to save o nate, the ver water in o city can not be drunk. Maybe in the fute, we will not have fresh Qi can breathe, there is no clean water to dnk. Therefore, fm now on, fm you and me, fm the little things in o lives, learn to save o nate and ptect o envinment.

In order to prnt people fm destying o nate, let's do this.



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