创新的重要性英语作文_The importance of innovation 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-22 14:00:42 阅读:285 点赞:0

关于”创新重要“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The importance of innovation。以下是关于创新重要专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of innovation

Note: in this section, you can wte a short essay entitled "the importance of a name" in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words according to the outline given below. Recently, it is generally belid that the first thing to pay attention to is the importance of a name.

Many people think that a person's name has a pfound impact on the success of a person or an orization. Some people n think that a person's mental health and physical health will be affected by his name, n determined by his name. Many people think that a person's name is meaningless, I don't think so A better example is given than Qiu.

In other words, Shan is the name of Conius, the grea thinker, philosopher and educator in history. Another example is Laozi, the founder of philosophy and religious Taoi. These examples effectively illustrate that a person's fute depends only on his fighting spit, talent or wisdom, rather than on some mysteous superstitious factors, such as some names Or lucky numbers.

For me, intelligence should make sense, persistence and diligence are not the name of a person. Given all the above arguments, it is time to put an end to this undesirable phenomenon.




The importance of English lies in the fact that most countes in the world use the language as a communication tool. For example, German and Chinese can't speak each other's language, but they all know English, so there will be no pblem in their language communication. We must realize the importance and study the language seously.

The key to learn English well is to recite words. Words are the bcks of language construction. Only by keeping them in mind can we them.

To learn English well, we need to listen to English radio and contact forei fends , so that we can practice listening and apply what we have learned.




In the past, no matter who didn't abide by the rules, people tended to wait for nothing. But now, with the rapid dlopment of society, and people realize the importance of creation to national dlopment. O society and n oselves need to first.

Creation is the most important factor to impve o country's ability. Some people think that the essence of human civilization is the result of creation If the international community stands firm, it is necessary to cultivate creative talents so that they can make great breakthughs for o mother. If o people lack creativity, we will not be able to realize o dream of becoming a great country in the world.

In addition, if all the people in the society are innovative, it is easy to send talents to o country to win a better fute. With creative people, society can bng us a lot of benefits. Creation is also very important to impve people's confidence.

When people make some all breakthughs, they will be praised by others, which will make people feel better They think they're art, and they're confident in ryone, becse we all know how important creativity is to us, that we have to learn as much as we can to be creative people, and we have to learn to serve o country.



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