
发布时间:2024-03-28 03:44:02 阅读:11 点赞:0

关于”我最爱谚语“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My favote pverb。以下是关于我最爱谚语六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favote pverb

Don't waste, don't get a cent fm savings. What you save is a penny to take care of pennies and pounds. Yo own thft is a kind of pperty.

He doesn't care about a penny. He will squander a pound of all pfits and bng great wealth. Many little by little accumulation is like a touchstone.

Therefore, gold s people's coage and determination, which is the spit and soul of virtue. The ad to glory is always rugged There is no difficulty for a man to try fire. Fire is a of adversity for the stng.

Great hope makes a great man unable to be brave. A calm sea has nr made a skilled sailor. A good sailor is well known in bad weather.

The best heart is always the bravest. We must nr lie down and cry. God bless us.

He fell down today and may se again tomorw Rome is not built in a day, success belongs to persrance, we must be tempered to say, persrance is the only way to success, persrance is faile nine times, the entieth step of success step by step, adversity leads to success, patience and application will take us thugh the destiny, there are always rewards for those who have patience to wait for her, all things will come back to him, who will wait for constant dp The world is a ladder to go up. It takes a long apprenticeship to get to know the secrets of world trade. Life is sweet where there is life and a life of hope.

Not all the mills of beer and water. The Miller doesn't know the fate of the mill. If you're too lucky, you won't know yoself if you're too lucky Unfortunately, no one will know that you are the creator of his own destiny.

Happiness is that when he was young, he knew his folly. Miortune nr (rarely) came alone. Miortune comes at night.

Miortune tells us what miortune makes a man wise, not ch to live and study. It will nr be too old to learn. There is no shortcut to learning by asking questions.




A candle lights others and consumes itself. Adversity makes a man wise, not ch makes a man fall into the abyss, and the gwth of his intelligence tns the fox grey. But there is nr a good beginning.

The ad to Rome is only one thing one can do, and one cannot spin and spin at the same time.




A bken fendship can be welded. Bther is a fend given by God. A fend in need is a fend.

Indeed, it is easier to lose a fend than to find one. A fend who shares weal and woe is a fend to anyone. A fend's sad face is better than a giggle.

A fend's words are nr my fend. A good book is the best fend. Today is also the case.

A good fend is my closest fend A good man ends a fendship without resentment. A fence can keep fendship green / a close fend is better than a relative who lives at home. A true fend will nr hinder you.

Unless you happen to be on the ad, no one is saying that o fends who beli in all theoes, dear fends, are grey, but the precious tree of life is green An open enemy is better than an empty fend. Animals are such pleasant fends that they ask no questions, they don't cticize, becse dedication unites lovers, perfidy, alienates fends when needed. When you see who his fends are, they are slow in choosing fends, slow down in fnt of fends.

You and a fend eat a bushel of salt / best dnk water fm a fend Before is very common, when we choose a fend rather than a fend, rather than a good fend, we can choose a fend without a ppose, not a good fend, when we say goodbye to fends, we will be gentle. Cowardice is the poison of fendship. Even calculation can make a long-term fend not quarrel with his fend for a all matter.

False fend is worse than open hatred. It is the of gold. Fend's adversity is like a violin.

They can't tighten it too tightly. Fends are this of time. Fends may meet, but mountains nr meet.



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