简历的英文单词_Resume words 2篇

发布时间:2022-06-16 15:56:54 阅读:115 点赞:0

关于”简历单词“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Resume words。以下是关于简历单词专八英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Resume words

I once had a king and a queen who wanted a child for many years, but none of them came. Then the queen got a girl, and the king was very happy that you know what a fairy is. Many faies lived near the king's house.

When the Queen's children came, the king went to all the faies and said that the queen had a child. All the faies said that we were very happy that we could come today. One of the faies had gone on a joney.

She had gone far away when the Queen's children came back She didn't come back when she came. A fairy said to her, "the queen has a child. The king came to see us and said to see o new child girl.

But this fairy is the abad fairy. The bad fairy said the king is gone. Why do you all come to me? I'm going to see the king's child, but I'm going to give her some bad things.

All the good faies go to the king's house and see the little girl. They all give her something good A fairy said that I gave her this good thing and she would have wealth. A fairy said that I gave her this good thing.

She should be a brave woman. One said that I gave her this good thing. She would become a good woman.

She gave some good things, and then the bad fairy came. She said that the king went to all the faies, but he didn't come to me. So I will give the child some bad things.

She will have wealth and she will become brave Good, but when she was a woman, she would pck her hand with a needle and die. The poor queen didn't know what to do. The king said to the good fairy that the poor girl would not die.

Can you me say she won't die? The good fairy said we can't you. The bad fairy's words will come. Yo child will pck her hand with a needle, but she will sleep for many years, and then a king's son will Come and kiss her.

She'll wake up. He'll wake her up with a kiss. Then the faies left.

The king called all the men and queens and said to bng me all the needles in the house. They bught all the needles they could find, and the king took them and threw them far away, and then he said, look, no needles come into the house. Look, there are no men or women with needles near my children, and if they do, I'll kill them.






Today, we are going to learn how English first dloped. Beeen about A.D. and English, in Btain, based on German, beeen about A.D.

and Danish and French, enching English, especially its vocabulary. At the end of the centy, about five million to sn million people spoke English at the end of the centy. In the late centy, due to the voyugs' conquest of the rest of the world In the 21st centy, English has been used by and people in the United States and Australia.

Now English is compiled by o dictionaes. English is used in China, India, Singapore and other countes. As a forei language or a second language in Malaysia and South Afca, English has changed and dloped over time.

English is spoken all over the world.




Once upon a time, there was a couple of kings and queens who said ry day, "Oh, if only we had a child," but they nr had children. Finally, the queen had a little girl. She was so betiful that the king couldn't restrain his joy.

When the banquet was over, he ordered a grand banquet. Thir clr women came to give magic gifts to the children. Eln of them had agreed.

Suddenly, the 13th came. She wanted to avenge herself for not being invited. She ced out, "the king's dghter, when she was 15 years old Waiting, will stab themselves with a spindle, they are shocked, but the elfth, her good wish still did not say, she came out, becse she can not reli the evil judent, can only soften it, she said, "this is not death, but a dred years of sleep, the pncess will fall into" the king, he wanted to let his dear children fm miortune, ordered to spin ry single ot in the kingdom The yarn is bnt.

On the day when the pncess was fif, she climbed a narw winding staircase in the castle and came to a all door in the om. An old woman with a spindle was busy spinning. "Good morning, old mother," said the king's dghter, "what is this? It's spinning so happily," said the girl.

She picked up the spindle and wanted to spin, but as soon as she touched it, she used it The hammer stabbed her finger, and she fell to the gund and fell asleep. This sleepiness pervaded the palace, where the castle be to gw thorny hedges, and the hedges grew higher and higher year by year. Finally, the whole castle was covered with thorns.

The story unfolded. Fm time to time, the king's son came to try to enter the castle thugh the thorn fence, but the young man was trapped in the thorns and died miserably Then a dred years later, when the pncess woke up, a king's son appached the thorn hedge and saw a big and betiful flower. He went on walking.

In the great hall, he saw that the whole cot was asleep. Then he went on. Finally, he opened the door and went into a all om where the king's dghter was sleeping and the king's dghter was lying He couldn't take his eyes off.

He bent down to kiss her, but as soon as he did, she opened her eyes, woke up and looked at him very sweetly.



标签: 女孩英文名  我的世界英文名 

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