
发布时间:2023-10-13 19:10:18 阅读:142 点赞:0

关于”你怎样度过你生活“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How do you spend yo life。以下是关于你怎样度过你生活xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How do you spend yo life

The summer vacation is coming again. I'm glad that I can forget about the school for a while, so that I don't have to spend the whole summer vacation. I made a plan to spend the summer vacation.

I think I should review what the teacher tght last semester, so that I can understand them better. Then I think I should do some exercise, such as walking, running and wing, to keep my stren. With such a good plan, I should make the most of my vacation time.

Yes, becse I realized my plan.




Last week is really meaningful for me. I not only study fm Monday to Fday, but also do a lot of things. For example, I read a book wtten by a famous foreier.

His name is "sevin key". Fm it, I learned some English words. I spent a week walking in the square aund my house.

I talked with my best fend Li Hua until I arved: that The night passed too fast. Fm last Wednesday to Fday, I was absorbed in my study, so I was not excited at the weekend. Ding this peod, I was limited by my homework.

I think last week gave me happiness and knowledge.




My summer vacation plan made my last vacation in high school wonderful. I first made the following plan. I planned to get up early and do a few minutes of exercise ry morning so that I could have a healthy body.

In addition, I will study hard to do some housework. As you know, I seldom do this work ding school, and I think I should my mother last but not least. I will not forget that I still need to continue my study.

I decided to attend a short English summer camp to impve my English. This is all my summer plan.



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