关于读书的英语谚语_Proverbs of reading 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-09 09:56:01 阅读:130 点赞:0

关于”读书谚语“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Pverbs of reading。以下是关于读书谚语六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pverbs of reading

Weddings and funerals. Every cake has goose bumps. Every man has his / her day's expeence.

Everyone's mind moves in his / her mind. A cloud is enough to cover all the sun. Before you cut yo wings the next time, you have to learn how to direct work.

All vers flow into the sea like human beings sown, so he will harvest better than nr before. Everyone has his own hobbies, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, all will be well, Jack will have Kirsten, and inically, a long joney fm step by step, ry cloud has a lazy youth, a scorched child afraid of the torment of fire, sometimes a disguised blessing a need To fends in a good start to a good ending.




Lion and mouse a lion wakes up fm his sleep. A mouse runs up fm his face and stands up angly. He grabs him and is about to kill him.

At this moment, the mouse pleads, "if you can spare my life," I will repay you for yo kindness. " The lion lghed and let him go. Not long after that, the lion was cght by some ters who tied it to the gund with pes.

The mouse recoized its ar, took hold of the pe with its teeth, released it, and exclaimed, "you lgh at the idea that I can you, and look forward to any reward fm me. Now you know that n a mouse can cheat a lion.".





Money is not rything. There is MasterCard and visa. One should love animals.

They are delicious. Love yo neighbors. But don't be cght.

Behind ry succesul man, there is a woman. Behind ry unsuccesul man, there are o men mared. After all, happiness is not the only one.

In life, wise men nr marry. When they get mared, they will become different.




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