英语口语考试简单的自我介绍_A brief self introduction to the exam 5篇

发布时间:2022-06-18 08:21:20 阅读:138 点赞:0

关于”考试简单自我介绍“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:A bef self intduction to the exam。以下是关于考试简单自我介绍雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A bef self intduction to the exam

After reading the adventes of Tom Sawyer, it is concluded that I have read a lot of books, but it should belong to the most unforgettable book left to me. The thor of this book is the great Amecan wter Mark Twain literate. But the ptagonist of this book, but one of the books is tainted, nghty, ideal, also has a lot of tubles, and mantic children, Tom's parents go In my nt's early days, in my nt's eyes, he was a monkey like man, but he couldn't being like Tom.

Fm Tom, we saw o own shadow: art, brave, upght, optimistic and compassionate. Tom was a little rebellious and had a dream to be a fugitive. In their eyes, the bbers were a good example of maxica people.

Tom was here In a world full of sun, tell us that as long as you have happiness and dreams, yo dreams will come true. I beli that in the days to come, I will remember such a person in my life.




Hello ryone, today is my birthday. I am very honored to have the opportunity to show myself. I am an optimistic person, so I can adapt to the study envinment in Australia.

I also like basketball and football very much. Garnett and Kaka are my favote sports stars. I hope the Beijing Olympic Games can be a complete success.




Shakespeare (William Shakespeare, the great English dramatist, Renaissance poet, was born in Apl in dubonavon, Stratford, Warwickshire, England (Julian died in Apl). Apl is the anniversary of Shakespeare's death. He is regarded as an outstanding Btish playwght and poet by UNESCO as "world reading day".

He is a Eupean humanist He was a of literate in the Renaissance. His fo representative tragedies, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, the elfth night, the dream of midsummer night, the merchant of Venice, and the histocal plays Henry IV, Henry VI and Richard II, which are called "happiness" in PEP, have also wtten sonnets, Three or fo poems he is "the father of English drama", Jones called him "the soul of the times", Marx called him "the soul of the times", he was "human genius, one of the grea people" was awarded "human literate Olympus Zeus mountain". Although Shakespeare wte only in English, he is one of the world's famous wters, and most of his works have been translated into many languages, Plays have also been performed in many countes, William Shakespeare.



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