
发布时间:2024-04-09 01:07:10 阅读:6 点赞:0

关于”激励自己坚强“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Motivate yoself to be stng。以下是关于激励自己坚强xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Motivate yoself to be stng

In ry expeence, ry choice is an opportunity to make the best choice. Every difficult decision is an opportunity. With yo actions, fm ry mistake, fm yo deepest values, fm ry setback, you can learn a lot, and you will be able to have a determined, pposeful, and effective life - ry disagreement has such a chance A comprehensive understanding of each disappointment will allow you to see what you really value most.

No matter what kind of moment it is today, it has positive value. Every moment is full of possibilities to increase the chness of life. If you are determined to make negative judents and cticis, you will find many ways to do it.

So, let yo life and yo awareness resonate with the chness and diversity of each moment, and you will find real, useful and ch value in ry expeence.




The day my fiance fell to death, it be to snow, just like any other day in November, just as my world had not fallen out of my world when he fell freely fm the of. When I found his body, his body was covered with snow. For the next fo months, it snowed almost ry day, and I sat on the sofa and watched it pile up.



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