
发布时间:2024-03-06 14:10:04 阅读:17 点赞:0

关于”常用“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Commonly used。以下是关于常用托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Commonly used

The pverb "share weal and woe, share weal and woe" is one of the most well-known pverbs. It tells you that a true fend is someone who will be by yo side when you need him. He will you when you encounter pblems, keep yo secrets, and share things with you.

Of cose, he will expose all yo advantages and disadvantages, and you must take you as yo guide If you want to be treated the way you treat all yo fends, you must tell yo fends the truth. This is the only way to keep true fends. Fendship is based on confidence and sacfice.

No matter how ch and art you are, fendship is the most important term for maintaining the peace of the earth. Without it, no one can live happily on the earth In o times, the form of fendship is often negative. I think agers fm all over the world have different views on fendship.

A true fend is always nd you. When other people are against you, you can count on his support. He will you thugh difficulties.

This is my view of fendship. I think I can't face all my pblems without fends.




At the September meeting, the name of o company was changed to "dear" Mr. Li. We decided to move o company fm the above address to Badway street.

We would appreciate it if you could let us know.




People have different views. Some people think that there is an old saying that is the expeence of o ancestors. Howr, it is correct in many cases today.

It first bngs a lot of harm to o daily life. What's worse, many people like this kind of life now, bee besides, rything has o sides, and it is no exception. People's views on things vary fm person to person.

It is said that human beings are now facing an increasingly seous pblem, which has become a hot topic. The topic among people, especially young people and heated debate, is correct and plays an increasingly important le in o life today. It has bught us a lot of benefits, but it has also pduced some seous pblems.

///According to the chart / number / statisti / percentage, the chart / bar chart / line / chart shows that although it is obvious, why on the contrary, some people say, but I don't think this is a good solution. For example, the most important thing for the dlopment and construction of o country is that we should first take some meases. What we can face is that we should adopt Take a sees of effective meases, for one thing, for another, it's time to do something.

For example, in addition to that, all these meases will affirm why the first reason is that the second reason is that the third reason is for all of these, but the main reason is that just like rything has its own advantages and disadvantages, it has its own disadvantages I beli it is advantageous.




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