空气污染的英语作文_air pollution 3篇

发布时间:2022-07-04 12:26:24 阅读:144 点赞:0

关于”空气污染“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:air pollution。以下是关于空气污染专升英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:air pollution

Envinmental ptection once human beings do not have to consider ptecting the envinment, there will be very few people on the earth. Natal resoces seem to be infinite. Today's situation is different.

The world has become too cwded. We are consuming o natal resoces and polluting o envinment with dangeus chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth will not svive.

We realize that if we capte fm the ocean We know that if we cut down too many trees, the forest will disappear. We continue to use powerful machines to cut down and trees. We can see that if the ver is polluted by waste, we will still die, and the waste will still be put into the ver, If the population continues to gw at the crent rate, in a few years' time, if we eat vegetables and less meat, what can we do to solve these pblems? There will be food for cps and five times land for animals.

If we learn to use natal resoces, they will last longer. If people ntually adopt modern methods of birth contl, the world's population will not increase so fast. If we educate people to think about these pblems, we will have a better and cleaner planet in the fute.




Air pollution comes fm factoes, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the oke fm power stations can cse great damage. They can travel dreds of miles in the wind and fall to the gund in the rain.

But this "chemical rain" will gradually desty trees in the forest and kill fish in lakes in Germany. Trees in the country have been destyed for than a year, and seous accidents have polluted the air. A nuclear power plant in Russia has been polluted There was a seous accident at the station.

The radiation cloud swept acss Eupe. It is said that some people in Russia died becse of the disease csed by the accident. A mass of dangeus gas enveloped the town of Bhopal.

Many people died that night, dreds of thousands were injed and many of the injed were blind.




In the past few decades, o earth has undergone great changes, but among these changes, the air pollution csed by a large number of cars and coal is almost the most seous. The seous air pollution warns human beings that the pduction and use of tomobiles have bught heavy bden to the earth. With the deepening of banization, cars are needed, which will make air pollution seous.

Therefore, we should first take the following actions: using the most advanced technolo, using new ener to replace fossil fuels; secondly, stving to dlop possible means of transportation. In short, o human beings should be responsible for air pollution, and we must find ways to solve this pblem.



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