学英语的经历英语作文带翻译_Learning experience 4篇

发布时间:2022-07-03 10:27:29 阅读:263 点赞:0

关于”学经历“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Learning expeence。以下是关于学经历雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Learning expeence

English is one of the most useful and important languages in the world, so we should first learn it well. We should not be afraid of mistakes. We can learn fm them.

So we should be confident and not shy when learning English. It takes time to learn English as much as possible. So we should read English ry morning becse o brain is fresh in the morning It's time to listen to tapes and English pgrams.

When I started learning English, I found it difficult for me to understand listening. I listened to the tapes again and again, bit by bit. Third, I could understand what they said, "practice makes perfect".

So if we can, we should practice speaking English with o clasates ry day. We'd better join an English corner so that we can have opportunities to speak English. We should remember at least ten words ry day, becse learning English requires a large vocabulary.

If we want to wte a good composition, we'd better try to recite some articles ry day. I beli that if we put listening into English learning, we can learn English ll.





I have a bamboo tree in my heart. Many young women do not have cultal Chinglish. I don't agree with the above statement.

In my opinion, both early and modern technological inventions have made great changes in human life. We should not say that the early technolo or later technolo of ether is important. I agree with the above statement.




The impact of discmination on workers, which results in reduced performance over their lifetime, should at least make some of the effects of appearance discmination apparent to workers, or likely to find a low-quality Labrador partner, which shows one reason why young people are overweight. On the other hand, another obvious reason for them is that they may Discoveng that they are underweight earlier than their peers may also make their peers less valued.



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