用英语介绍自己的爱好_Introduce your hobbies with 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-24 09:52:55 阅读:312 点赞:0

关于”用介绍自己爱好“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduce yo hobbies with。以下是关于用介绍自己爱好八级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo hobbies with

"I have many hobbies, but my favote is painting. I took a painting class intduced by a clasate. I've painted oil paintings, sketches, literary sketches, etc.

I like drawing cartoons very much. Although it's not painting, I like drawing with my clasates very much. I went into the Botanical Museum to draw those plants.

Would you like to.





Hello ryone, my favote hobby is dancing. I started to learn dancing when I was five years old. I think it's too difficult and tired.

So sometimes I go to the dance hall, but sometimes I don't go after a long time. I like dancing becse I think dancing is very betiful. My mother said: that one is very good.

When I started school, I participated in many competitions and I also got many awards I like dancing very much.




Men and women are like the weather. Easygoing is the most important thing. I'm not easy to lose my temper.

I like to be very quiet sometimes. Sometimes I like to be nghty. I don't know how much I am.

I'm a person who likes to work with people, but I don't like people with f skin. I like those low-key and deep-seated people. I'm easy to get close to.

I have no money and no appearance, but I have one A kind heart and easygoing personality in quiet crazy one minute after a second, don't say a word is not easy to get angry, noisy is definitely I care about what others think of me, I am lazy, like lying in bed at home, like lollipop like things, think I hate people who say to me, regardless of what relationship, sometimes like lively, sometimes like quiet, like to wear ears when dark Machine, to maximize the voice to do not like to wear glasses of vaous change habits tolerance.



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