交通安全的英语作文_traffic safety 3篇

发布时间:2022-06-20 07:09:19 阅读:139 点赞:0

关于”交通安全“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:traffic safety。以下是关于交通安全高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:traffic safety

With the rapid dlopment of society, people's life as a whole can lead a better life. Therefore, with the impvement of people's living standards, and people own cars, and traffic jams begin to appear. In order to be punctual, they often iore cars cssing horse ads on the ad.

This behavior is easy to cse traffic accidents. On the other hand, owners also hope to arve on time, and then It's easy to cse traffic accidents if we obey the traffic rules again. Whether it's dvers or people, their behavior will lead to accidents.

These accidents may take people's lives. It's too terble. For the sake of life, dvers and pedestans should obey the traffic rules, becse we have only one life.




Traffic safety is ryone's business record. Every year, many people die in traffic accidents. Some accidents are csed by mechanical faile, but most accidents are the result of careless and reckless dving, which can be avoided.

Many people iore the traffic sials and rules, regardless of the speed limit, dve in the wng direction under the red light, talk and lgh, tn at will, they do not slow down when appaching the intersection, many people violate the traffic rules, we can not overemphasize the importance of traffic safety, only when ryone thinks that traffic safety is ryone, dve on the ad, on the people Can we walk safely on the pavement.




Traffic safety has many traffic accidents ry day, csing economic losses and casualties. In order to comply with the traffic safety law, it is very important to abide by the traffic safety law. We should do the following things.

We should look at the traffic lights before cssing the ad, and then css the ad, if we do according to the way we think we can all live a happy life.



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