
发布时间:2022-09-23 07:03:21 阅读:102 点赞:0

关于”fends有关“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:About fends。以下是关于fends有关专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About fends

All kinds of fends make life colorful. I like blue, but I wear green, red and yellow. I like tea, but I also dnk milk, coffee and orange juice.

I have fends. I prefer all kinds of fends to fends of the same kind. In my opinion, a person can benefit fm all kinds of fends in three ways.

First, when you are in tuble, on the one hand, you can timely learn fm fends Fends get , substantive , when you know nothing about the Internet, the teacher assied you to be in charge of the class website, and then God gave you a fend nd, a comr expert, with a few tap screen can ce yo headache, you must thank such a gift, a kind of enlightenment, yesterday when reading Marxist philosophy, I was philosophy I was confused by the sentence of "negation, negation and negation" in my poor thinking. I tned to a fend of law major who didn't quite understand it. Howr, she was tght that cminal sanction is the denial of cme, just like a flash.

This sentence bned all the confusion in my mind and made this definition a acle. It is not the second time that different fends will bng you Different inspiration, one day, let you expeence different fun. What's unusual is that I took an apple to comfort my clasate with stomachache and a fute reporter, shouting: "you are also on a diet.

This is a very creative news". Then the fute advertising expert said, "how can you have such an idea?" in fact, the most creative award should be awarded to this major The third point is not applicable. It is a requirement of my major to make all kinds of fends.

My respected jonali pfessor said bluntly, "the most convenient resoce for jonalists to live on is yo fends, so I stngly suggest those who don't want to starve to death learn some Howr, it's ful for you to have a vaety of healthy communication skills.




Since I was in high school, I didn't like talking to my parents becse when I told them what I thought, they would deny it and ask me to do what they said. I was no longer a little girl. I had the ght to make my decisions.

My parents realized that one day they came into my om and talked to me. They apologized for treating me as a child. They liked to respect me My decision to make fends with me was so happy that my parents did listen to them.

I opened my heart and talked to them about rything. It was much easier to talk to fends than to my parents.




No one can live a life without fends. I am no exception. I met my best fend Sunny in the cram school in the last year of junior high school.

We prepare for the college entrance examination together. We often discuss o lessons after school. Sunny is a art and polite girl.

She is not only an expert in learning, but also knows how to find fun ry time I am depressed. She comforts me and s me find solutions I'm glad I have a fend like a close sister. I chesh o fendship and hope it will last forr.



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