
发布时间:2023-05-02 04:53:06 阅读:112 点赞:0

关于”最简单一般现在时“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The st present tense。以下是关于最简单一般现在时考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The st present tense

We see oselves on a long joney acss the continent, we dve thugh the window in a train, o cars on the nearby freeway, children waving at the cssads, cattle grazing on distant hillsides, dnking fm the oke of power plants, ws of corn and wheat, ws of flat gund And the valley, the lling hillsides, the skyline of cities and the villages, but the most important thing in o mind is the final destination at a certain time of one day. We will dve into the station, and when we arve there, the band will play, the flag will fly, so many betiful dreams will come true, o life fraents will be like a complete completion, how uneasy we are Walking down the aisle, csing nd the station, waiting, waiting, when we get to the station, it's going to be it, when I cry, when I buy a new SL Mercedes Benz, when I send my last child to college, when I pay off my mortgage, when I get pmoted, when I reach retirement age, sooner or later I will live happily, and we must realize that There is no station, no place can be reached immediately. The real joy of life is travel.

The station is just a continuous dream. It is a good motto to share with us, especially when combined with the hymn: This is a day d by God, and we will feel happy and happy on this day. It is not the bden of today that dves people crazy, but the regret and ght of yesterday The fear of tomorw, reggett and fear are in this who have bbed us of today, so don't walk up and down the ad, count miles, climb mountains, eat ice cream, go barefoot, swim vers, watch sunsets, lgh and cry less.

Life has to go while walking, so that the station will come soon.




New Beijing, great Olympic Games. Since Beijing won the ght to host the summer Olympic Games, the Olympic Games have been the most exciting and anticipated nt in Beijing. Howr, I think that the focus should be shifted fm commitment to fulfillment, so as to bdge the gap beeen pmises and reality.

Beijing still has a long way to go. Infrastructe construction should be the pmary pblem, and transportation and other infrastructe should be csed first O continuous attention, traffic jam is an era.




This morning, I'm going to have breakfast in my om, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school for morning exercises.

We have fo classes in the morning. I'm very gry. I have lunch at school.

We have o classes in the afternoon. Comr class and art class. I like them to go home after school to do their homework.

My sister and I go to bed when I wash my face and brush my teeth in the ning. I'm very happy today.



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