
发布时间:2023-06-10 16:53:57 阅读:153 点赞:0

关于”有关罚抄“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Relevant penalty copy。以下是关于有关罚抄高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Relevant penalty copy

The danger of drunk dving although we are told that alcohol is dangeus, especially drunk dving, we can see the news about traffic accidents, becse dvers dnk ry day, but people iore the danger of dnking, life is precious, no one except oselves will be responsible for o lives, dnking can cse harm to o bodies, n if you do not chesh yo life When you dve after dnking, you will take the unforgivable life of others. People have a happy family. They will die becse of yo careless dving.

Moreover, you will nr have the opportunity to make up for o government's very stct regulations on dvers. The law clearly stipulates that drunk dvers will be heavily punished to ense the safety of others. We should not dnk after dnking Dve, or we'll ask o fends to take us home.




We all know that o earth is suffeng fm seous damage, for example, trees are being cut down, fewer and fewer factoes are being built, and n buildings are being built in the countryside. People continue to kill animals, waste water resoces, air pollution is seous than r before, animal species are less and less, people have to dnk polluted water. The earth faces the presse of many envinmental pblems.

Seeing this, we can do no than save water, plant trees and take actions to ptect o earth. We should give o sons and better world, becse it is o responsibility.





Six candidates for the college entrance examination in Central China's Henan Pvince have been punished for orizing substitute exams, local education thoties said on Tuesday that the exam scores of six senior high school students in Qixian County have been cancelled and will be banned fm taking any national examinations for the next three years. Their parents and invigilators are being investigated by the police. The office said thoties are continuing to investigate the case and will continue to look for others who cheated dung the college entrance examination.

The expose in June raised new concerns about defects. In June, than 9 million students took the exam.



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