
发布时间:2024-02-15 06:09:25 阅读:231 点赞:0

关于”逃生“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Earthquake escape。以下是关于逃生初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Earthquake escape

Take action to save the earthquake. Some earthquakes start with foreshocks, which is a all warning that people may not notice before a big earthquake stkes, while others may be woken up by the click of a door. Svival depends on doing something specific.

It's better to lie in bed, unless there is a heavy lamp hanging fm the ceiling. In other cases, ptect yo head with a pillow. In other cases, lay down on the gund and hide for a table or other fnite until the shaking stops.





When you feel an earthquake, you should first ptect yoself. After the earthquake, you should keep calm and check all the fire soces. Put out the fire panic quickly.

Make se you have a way out. Open the doors and windows. Don't rush out in panic.

Be careful of falling objects. Stay away fm the door posts and walls. Get the ght information after the earthquake.

Take the ght action. Make se yo family and neighbors are safe. Rescue and rescue together First aid, make se the power is off and off before evacuation.




Take action to save earthquakes. Some earthquakes start with foreshocks. It's a all warning that a big killer may not notice until a big killer goes to bed, while others may be woken up by the click of a door.

Svival depends on doing something specific. Unless there is a heavy lamp hanging fm the ceiling, it is better to stay in bed. In other cases, ptect yo head with a pillow, lie down on the gund, cover the quilt, find a table or other fnite, and hold on until the vibration stops.




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