
发布时间:2023-07-06 00:40:22 阅读:69 点赞:0

关于”写游泳“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Wte swimming。以下是关于写游泳小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte swimming

Summer vacation is coming. My parents have made some plans for me becse they want me to learn something useful. The first thing they want me to do is to learn how to swim, which is an important skill.

If I fall into the water, it can save my life. I also want to learn how to swim so that I can do a lot of cool sports. I'm very excited about this class.




Swimming makes me learn to be stng. I have nr been to a regular m, but my physical fitness has not lost to others. Becse in pmary school, swimming training benefited me a lot.

What impressed me most was a little boy, who always worked with me to exercise the flexibility of shoulder. We all held a stick to hold you Arm, the little boy who wants to break free is always better than me. So when I come back home, I often find that Jialian's staff parents watch me too seously and practice too hard.

He advised me not to practice, but I didn't give up. When I finally spassed the little boy, I flashed a pud ile to him. It was thugh this thing that I knew that as long as there was a stng and unyielding spit, And he has the ability to overcome all swimming training, ry day swimming for my endance is also a great , it can be at the beginning, days retn meters, can suddenly increase to meters, soon added o days of meters, let me impressed: swim ce I was my father back to swim the day of ce, I simply walked the corpse to move home, lying on the bed, anyway, I did not I must not give up swimming training, but this expeence is far grateful to me than regret: I work now, patience and sports endance is later dloped, swimming let me learn to be stng and patient.




Swimming in summer, the weather is very hot, swimming is very popular, I also like swimming, I also think swimming is a very interesting sport, it s us build a healthy body, it makes us cool in the hot summer. In addition, we can ask sral fends to swim together, we can play and have fun in the swimming pool. Swimming is a happy activity in hot summer.



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